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Vendor - Please enter your event code to enter the Event's buying center
Enter event buying center for Zero Waste Event
    Important information
  1. You can only be in one Event Buying Center at a time
  2. Once logged in to exit an Event Buying Center, click the "Exit" link under the event banner at top of page
  3. To buy products not offered through an event you must exit from an event buying center. Upon exit, click the Browse Products link to view all our products. NOTE: An Event’s discount will not apply to non-event sponsored products.
  4. You must create an account at check out for your order to be processed.
Online buying open:
1 January 2020 - 31 December 2025

Zero Waste Event

Eco-Products is proud to support events that strive to achieve zero waste by offering a discount off MSRP when using our compostable products. Find hot/cold cups, containers, utensils, and more here!

You will need to contact us to get approval for access to this buying portal. Contact with questions.